#28 Part 1: The New Cross-Discipline - Urban Planning & Emergency Management with Cynthia McCoy
We need to address the elephant in the room of emergency coordination. Emergency managers and urban planners must better work together to mitigate disaster. Lucky for us, Cynthia McCoy is both. See why her expertise matters and how that can help you as you build plans and mitigate threat.
Cynthia McCoy is a former member of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and now works for the City of Seattle. She has deployed to numerous disasters including Super Storm Sandy and Hurricane Harvey, two events that have created innovation within emergency management.
In part 1, Cynthia talks about her background in Urban Planning and Emergency Management. On part of on this episode, we talk about how historical data needs to better integrate with future trends to better define the scope of threat as well as address mitigation with data informed decisions. We heavily focus on the socio-economic impacts of disaster and the increase in events..