#21 National Preparedness Month: Major Disaster Prep
Switching it up a bit from our normal style of emergency management advice, we want to talk about emergency preparedness. I am going to run through a few disasters and examples of preparedness considerations for individuals and families, commercial spaces, and traveling.
By talking about disaster events from hurricanes, wildfires, and tornadoes to apply information to any disaster. We provide tips and reminders about preparing your home by reviewing emergency plans and equipment, we talked about the Doberman Family Emergency Plan that you can download from our website dobermanemg.com we talked about the rule of thumb with fires, safely evacuating, COOP plans, early warning systems and the difference between a watch and a warning, we talked about apps and we have SO much more to talk about. We will be addressing Earthquakes on next week’s episode with Amanada Siok from FEMA Region 10, and on our business Instagram and Facebook pages for DobermanEMG we will share thoughts on all these areas plus active shooters, terrorism, hazmat issues, and other man-made threats. This is all part of our effort to help you become disaster tough and raise awareness during THE US National Preparedness Month. Make sure you follow those accounts and the Disaster Tough Podcast Instagram account for those tips, guides, and product discount announcements.