#40 FDNY Firefighter in New York City OEM: Interview with Emergency Response Expert- Doug Bainton

Doug Bainton is a Firefighter with FDNY. A firefighter veteran , Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) member with numerous catastrophic disaster deployments, and current New York City Interagency Coordinator at the New York City Office of Emergency Management (NYC OEM) talks to us about his career experiences and shares the importance of tactical and strategic level missions.

Emergency managers and first responders have close coordination, but their roles and responsibilities are different. Doug Baiton is an expert in emergency response and can speak to the differences between the tactical level and strategic levels of our field. As a New York City Firefighter, "on loan," to New York City Office of Emergency Management as a Citywide Interagency Coordinator, Doug is profoundly aware of the needs and responsibilities of responders and the complexity of resources. It's all about the survivor in this episode. Learn from Doug's amazing career here.


#41 2021 Domestic Terrorism, USAR Perspective- Joe Hernandez Returns For Another Interview!


#39 FEMA Logistic Section Chief assigned to the White House for COVID Response, Interview with Joe Dellamura